
Main menu

The main menu can be found in the top bar and allows access to the rental configurators, credits purchase, list of active wish lists, an overview of cart content, and list of orders. Content of some of these menus can also be accessed through the Quick Access icons, see below. Please note that some of these menus may not be displayed under your account: Cart and Orders are only available to Account Owners and Admins, while Payer will only be able to see the Orders (learn more about Types of user accounts).

New Rental 

This is your place to start if you are looking to purchase a new rental license or only need a quick calculation of rental costs for QTAKE Pro, QTAKE 1.x, or QTAKE Server. Before you start to configure a QTAKE Pro rental, make sure you have invited your QTAKE operators and they have accepted the invitation. Before you start to configure a new QTAKE 1.x rental or a QTAKE Server rental, make sure you have registered your QTAKE machines. During the rental process, you will select the modules, and start & end dates; while the price of the rental will be calculated and displayed on the fly. You can then add the rental configuration to a wish list or a cart.

Wish Lists

Wish Lists can be used to bookmark a rental item for a future checkout. Additionally, some users with limited permissions will only be able to add a rental item to a Wish List, not directly to a Cart, and to wait for the checkout from a user with appropriate permissions. You can filter the wish lists by their status to keep track of what is happening with a wish list you have created; or restore a deleted wish list if you need to resubmit it for approval. Please note that wish lists containing rentals with expired start dates will be automatically deleted. A reminder will be sent to the account owner 2 days before the action will be taken.


When a user with sufficient permission approves a Wish List, the rental configuration is moved to the Cart. The Cart is the final place to make any adjustments before proceeding to make a binding Order by clicking the Place an order button.


Orders are binding, i.e. with the obligation of payment. Accessing the Orders will show you a list of all orders made under your account, with a possibility to filter the list according to date range, price range or payment status. Learn more about Payments and Order fulfilment.

User menu

The user menu is can be found by clicking on your name in the top right corner. It provides easy access to orders-,

credits- and account-related items. 

Quick access

The quick access tiles on your Dashboard display the number of items interesting to your use of the QTAKE Rental Shop as well as they serve as shortcuts to the particular sections. Depending on your user permissions, the number of tiles displayed on your Dashboard may vary.

Variable zone

Elements in this zone are displayed or hidden not only depending on user permissions but also depending on the current needs of your account as it displays items waiting for your approval or which need to be at hand.

Pending Rentals

Displayed if there is at least one rental configuration stored as a wish list and the wish list has not yet been approved (added to the cart), converted to an order, or canceled (deleted). As soon as the wish list will be changed to a cart item, order, or deleted, Pending Rentals will be hidden again.

Pending Orders

Displays orders which are not yet completed, i.e. fulfilled. Read this article to better understand various order statuses. As soon as all your orders will be completed, Pending Orders will be hidden.

License Pool

Only displayed when a virtual license has been activated for your QTAKE Rental Shop account. While on the List tab, you will see a list of active virtual licenses. The modules availability tab will display a calendar view with red or green circles, indicating the number of free licenses for particular modules/days, which comes in handy if you own multiple virtual licenses. Both these tabs are just an overview of your virtual licenses. To download a license file within the scope of your virtual license, you will first need to create an order for it.

Download links

The bottom part of the Dashboard contains links to the latest official QTAKE (Pro and 1.x) and QTAKE Server releases. The demo version (also marked as NFR) version is available for download to evaluate the software and optionally to be used on test days. The images are watermarked against commercial use and some restrictions apply, such as a limitation of 30 clips per project, etc.

  • If you are looking for the most recent recommendations for the macOS/drivers, check the online manuals
  • If you want to test the most recent beta versions, contact us.